What is an Activation?

Activations use powerful energy to expand consciousness at an accelerated rate.

They can bring greater clarity and alignment to your mission and to your purpose. And assist in the transformation of your entire Being including the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

All Activations are $125

Lydia will intuit the Activation best suited to you or you may choose from the activations listed below.

All Activations are available in person or by phone.

Activations are included if you have or are purchasing the 10-sessions Energy Mastery package.

Also take Zelle upon request.


CHANGE! A deep and sometimes painful realization that the previous YOU didn’t make it but the current YOU can thrive.

Don’t give up before the miracle.

All our cells are being adjusted.

We are at a crossroads where all our nerve endings are visible (so to speak).

This powerful Activation is the most appropriate and powerful Activation for this time of great change.

The Pineal Gland is located at the center of the brain inside a crystalline structure which relays and amplifies signals directly from Divinity (Heavens).

We use just  3 – 5 % of the brain. The Pineal Gland Activation brings us to the full capacity of the brain which is already connected to the bigger picture.

When Pineal Gland is awakened and activated, it transfers information from Divinity into our daily experience.

When it is not Activated, it atrophies.

It is triggered into action around puberty and awaits its signal until you are conscious enough to bring the energy from the Heavens to the unused parts of the brain. It is a key step.


UNTIL now.

The Pineal Gland Activation can make a huge difference.

What can this Activation do for you?

It is essential during times like this to ensure you can Activate all your inner resources.

  • If you feel you have done all you can, yet you feel that life is still not working well for you?
  • Do you still advise from “outside”?
  • Do you still something is missing?

You can direct your life with much more ease.

REBOOT THE BRAIN: It is said that we use less than 5% of our brain. Life is here to serve you, to create, to be more alive, successful and prosperous. The Activation awakens your intuition. It will decrease and eventually eliminate your reactions to stress and redirect you to well being and creativity.

AWAKEN CREATIVITY: Abundance results from the power of Infinite Creativity.
This Activation releases old messages from childhood that interfere with your full and creative expression. It helps to think outside the box and color outside the lines.
Creativity is your connection to the Great Spirit, the Source of life. It is unlimited and

The deeper your connection to Creativity, the more your Soul awakens. Your ability to manifest expands.

By truly feeling worthy and deserving attracts the strongest support from the Universe. Self-Love attracts prosperity, delight, and sustainable relationships.
This powerful Activation is able to unplug the unworthiness and reconnect you to your true nature, your deep Essence and Divinity. You can fulfill your Purpose.